ARTICLE BY FÁTIMA MARINA (ATREVIA) / The fact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic is nothing new. That is why FundéuRAE chose, in 2022, this term as word of the year, and in 2023, so did Collins Dictionary. Its evolution has been rapid and it has been gaining relevance in many sectors, but if there is one in which it has burst onto the scene with force, it is in the field of healthcare. 

By Fátima Marina, Health Director ATREVIA Barcelona 

At the clinical level, AI has become a powerful ally in the detection and prevention of certain chronic diseases and in the fight against aging, which are major challenges for Spanish healthcare. 

Technology has shown that it can help healthcare professionals in diagnostic decision making by offering personalized recommendations to the patient. But for this to happen, it is essential to empower patients and make them aware of their responsibility in their healthcare in order to achieve adherence to treatment. And it is here where communication campaigns aimed at patients become very important to generate awareness as we are promoting in ATREVIA.

Another key role for AI is in primary care. A recent study indicated that its use in diagnosis can reduce medical errors by up to 30%, underscoring its potential to improve clinical accuracy and reduce the burden on healthcare professionals. AI is not going to solve the problems of primary care, but it can support the professionals who work there. There are routines that technology can help to solve with more quality, more precision, leaving the doctor and other healthcare professionals with what is really important: having more time to attend to patients. 

Its role in the pharmaceutical industry is also key. AI has been shown to help in drug manufacturing processes, anticipate problems in production equipment and improve drug quality control. 

Public administration is also benefiting from its implementation. Public health systems can use the technology to analyze epidemiological data and detect disease outbreaks, facilitating rapid and effective responses. COVID19 was an example of this. Its use also allows for greater operational efficiency in the management of health resources, optimizing the allocation of personnel, equipment and medical supplies. In this sense, it ensures that they are used effectively while reducing waste. 

Despite its advantages, AI has also raised fears. Privacy and security of patient data is a primary concern, as AI systems handle large volumes of sensitive information. So is equity in access to AI technologies and transparency in the use of their algorithms. Added to this is the need to reinforce citizen confidence at a time marked by the dissemination of false and misleading information that can have serious health consequences. 

To address this and encourage the development of secure AI, the EU has recently approved the new Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), which establishes a pioneering regulatory framework. Organizations will have to ensure transparency and traceability of data and commit to its ethical use. 

There is still a long way to go. Although the speed of its evolution is dizzying, the key is undoubtedly to see AI as an ally and not as an enemy. 

Click here to access the original content published in TOP Comunicación 

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